My life has been chock full of random desires and pursuits lately. First I was consumed with all things photography. If I wasn't working I was either taking pictures or in front of the computer editing them. Than came the desire to be a master of graphic design with a focus on web site creation. Now it is fitness. I am consumed with exercising and healthy eating. My eyes are set upon earning a certificate in personal training so that I can begin encouraging and helping others live fit and healthy lifestyles while getting paid for it. I don't know why I am like this. I often go from one extreme to the other causing me to doubt my most recent "passion" assuming that it is just another one of my random fancies. Yet I think that this inherent flaw of mine stems from my utter lack in seeing anything through. I get excited about something, determine the cost that must be paid to accomplish it but then never take the first big step. Well, I must say that I have grown sick and tired of this trait and I believe that my Lord has as well. Amber informed me today that during lunch Anna spoke up and said, "Mamma, God told me that you and Pappa need to stop staying up at night to watch '24' and start reading the Bible together." In a moment the singleness of heart that I had once known came rushing back to the surface as if to say, "remember me?" There will always be things that I can find to do but I know now that I must determine those which I value and which are of significance to me and purpose in my heart to pursue only those. I must remember that this life is far too short to flit away with endless pursuits and begin again to live my life with passion and singleness of heart, thus pulling my face "out of the soap."