Sunday, November 15, 2009

Christmas Tease

We went to the mall this weekend and it quickly reminded me of how much I enjoy this time of year. While on the carousel with Anna the theme song was from the movie, "The Grinch that stole Christmas" and all of the life long sentiments came rushing to the surface of my heart. I can't quite tell what it is but every year at this time I become like that little boy who used to stay up late into the night trying to get a glimpse of Santa Claus yet ever failing to stay up long enough. I love the lights and the incessant shoppers, the tireless Christmas music and the gaudy decorations. The Christmas season always seems to be able to make the coldest and harshest winter seem non-existent. It has become all the more enjoyable now that I have children who will themselves form sentiments of their own through the years to come.
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